Welcome to Quest
Quest provides tools to incorporate online multimedia content and assessments into your course. This hybrid of in-class and online teaching can take on many forms:

Flipped Classroom
Quest provides lecture content to students online before class and the classroom time is saved for case studies, problem solving, demonstrations, etc. The linked assessment feature assures students have seen the content and reveals their level of understanding of the material.

Online Content
Quest prepares students for lectures with prerequisite knowledge. Feedback from the assessment highlights areas that may need emphasis.

Quest can offer pre-laboratory exercises that demonstrate what occurs in experiments. This preparation and assessment can increase safety in the laboratory also.

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Hybrid Learning
Hybrid learning can increase student learning and student success. Online lectures, tutorials and exercises free up class time for deeper discussions, small group activities, and explanations of misconceptions. It encourages students to play an active role in their in-class learning. Involved students come to have a better understanding of the material and are more motivated to pursue the topics presented.
© Copyright 2025. College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin.